ReactJs Multiple Choice Question

Question : 1 What does JSX stand for in ReactJS?

  • A

    JavaScript XML

  • B

    JavaScript Extension

  • C

    JavaScript XHR

  • D

    JavaScript XSL


Question : 2 Which method is called once the component is mounted in ReactJS?

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D



Question : 3 What is the purpose of state in ReactJS?

  • A

    To store data that can be changed over time

  • B

    To store data that remains constant throughout the component lifecycle

  • C

    To handle user interactions

  • D

    To manage routing in the application


Question : 4 What is the virtual DOM in ReactJS?

  • A

    The actual representation of the DOM in the browser

  • B

    A lightweight copy of the DOM maintained by React

  • C

    A JavaScript file that defines the structure of the DOM

  • D

    A set of rules for updating the DOM efficiently


Question : 5 What is a prop in ReactJS?

  • A

    A function that returns React elements

  • B

    A data passed from parent to child component

  • C

    A built-in React method for updating the state

  • D

    A way to handle user interactions in React components


Question : 6 What does the shouldComponentUpdate() method do in ReactJS?

  • A

    It is called before the component is removed from the DOM

  • B

    It determines if the component should re-render when its state or props change

  • C

    It is called after the component is updated in the DOM

  • D

    It is called before the component is rendered for the first time


Question : 7 What is a ReactJS component?

  • A

    A function that returns React elements

  • B

    A reusable piece of code that can be composed to create complex UIs

  • C

    A JavaScript object that defines the structure of the DOM

  • D

    A built-in React method for updating the state


Question : 8 What is the purpose of the setState() method in ReactJS?

  • A

    To update the state of a component and trigger a re-render

  • B

    To define the initial state of a component

  • C

    To retrieve the current state of a component

  • D

    To handle user interactions within a component


Question : 9 What is the significance of keys in ReactJS lists?

  • A

    Keys are used to identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed

  • B

    Keys are used to apply styling to list items

  • C

    Keys are used to define the structure of a component

  • D

    Keys are used to handle form input validation


Question : 10 What are React Hooks?

  • A

    Functions that let you use React features without writing a class

  • B

    Specialized components used for routing in React applications

  • C

    Methods used for asynchronous data fetching in React components

  • D

    Built-in JavaScript functions used for DOM manipulation in React


Question : 11 What is the purpose of the useEffect() hook in React?

  • A

    To handle form submissions within a React component

  • B

    To perform side effects in function components

  • C

    To define the initial state of a component

  • D

    To retrieve the current state of a component


Question : 12 What is the difference between state and props in ReactJS?

  • A

    State is immutable, while props are mutable

  • B

    Props are passed from parent to child components, while state is managed within a component

  • C

    State is used for handling user interactions, while props are used for defining the initial state of a component

  • D

    State is used for functional components, while props are used for class components


Question : 13 What is the purpose of the useContext hook in React?

  • A

    To create reusable custom hooks

  • B

    To share state between components without using props

  • C

    To manage the lifecycle of functional components

  • D

    To perform data fetching operations within a React component


Question : 14 What is the purpose of the useCallback hook in React?

  • A

    To memoize expensive computations and optimize performance

  • B

    To subscribe to changes in the Redux store

  • C

    To define custom event handlers for user interactions

  • D

    To memoize callback functions and prevent unnecessary re-renders


Question : 15 What is the purpose of the useRef hook in React?

  • A

    To handle component side effects

  • B

    To access the DOM element directly within functional components

  • C

    To manage stateful logic in functional components

  • D

    To handle asynchronous operations in React components


Question : 16 What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components in React?

  • A

    Controlled components are managed by React, while uncontrolled components manage their own state

  • B

    Controlled components use refs to access DOM elements, while uncontrolled components use state

  • C

    Controlled components rely on React state to manage form data, while uncontrolled components use the DOM directly

  • D

    Controlled components are stateless, while uncontrolled components are stateful


Question : 17 What is the purpose of the useMemo hook in React?

  • A

    To subscribe to changes in the Redux store

  • B

    To memoize expensive computations and optimize performance

  • C

    To manage component lifecycle methods

  • D

    To define custom event handlers for user interactions


Question : 18 What is the significance of the key prop in React lists?

  • A

    Keys are used to apply styling to list items

  • B

    Keys are used to define the structure of a component

  • C

    Keys are used to identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed

  • D

    Keys are used to handle form input validation


Question : 19 What is the purpose of the useCallback hook in React?

  • A

    To memoize callback functions and prevent unnecessary re-renders

  • B

    To subscribe to changes in the Redux store

  • C

    To define custom event handlers for user interactions

  • D

    To memoize expensive computations and optimize performance


Question : 20 What is the purpose of the useContext hook in React?

  • A

    To create reusable custom hooks

  • B

    To share state between components without using props

  • C

    To manage the lifecycle of functional components

  • D

    To perform data fetching operations within a React component


Question : 21 What is the difference between stateful and stateless components in React?

  • A

    Stateful components manage their own state, while stateless components rely on props for data

  • B

    Stateful components are more performant than stateless components

  • C

    Stateful components are used for functional components, while stateless components are used for class components

  • D

    Stateful components do not re-render when their state changes


Question : 22 What is the purpose of the useHistory hook in React Router?

  • A

    To create reusable custom hooks

  • B

    To share state between components without using props

  • C

    To manage the browser history and navigate between pages

  • D

    To perform data fetching operations within a React component


Question : 23 What is a Higher Order Component (HOC) in React?

  • A

    A component that renders its children without any modifications

  • B

    A function that takes a component and returns a new component with additional functionality

  • C

    A component that manages global state for an application

  • D

    A component that renders a loading indicator while waiting for data to load


Question : 24 What is the purpose of the useEffect hook in React?

  • A

    To manage component state

  • B

    To perform side effects in function components

  • C

    To define custom event handlers for user interactions

  • D

    To subscribe to changes in the Redux store


Question : 25 What is the significance of the key prop in React lists?

  • A

    Keys are used to apply styling to list items

  • B

    Keys are used to define the structure of a component

  • C

    Keys are used to identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed

  • D

    Keys are used to handle form input validation
